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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to most of the questions asked constantly. If you are not completely satisfied with the answers on this website, please feel free to contact us. You could do that by accessing our contact page above under the "Contact Us" section.


If I join JROTC does it mean I will have a military obligation?


No. Joining NJROTC does not obligate any of its cadets to pursue a military career after he/she has left High School, Nor is JROTC used as a recruiting tool. JROTC is designed to help the cadet, student, learn the skills necessary to become a more active and productive citizen. Although we use time tested military teaching techniques, and require that you wear the JROTC uniform, there is no military obligation.

Do I have to wear the uniform?


Yes. All cadets are required to wear the uniform as a condition of the JROTC course. Cadets will wear their uniform every Wednesday/Thursday dependent upon their A/B day schedule. Uniforms will also be worn as necessary for participation in the various cadet extracurricular activities. All uniform items are issued free of charge for the initial issue. Cadets are required to maintain their uniforms in a usable fashion. If the cadet choses not to wear the appropiate uniform he/she could be removed from the program if not fail the course.



Do I have to get a haircut?


Depends on length. The cadets hair cannot surpass 2 inches.Cadets are required to have their hair off their collar. It must present a neat appearance. This applies to both male and female


What is it like?


Well, it various per person. Some people believe it's the best thing that ever happened to them, and some feel that it doesn't work out for them.  JROTC is purely on developing patriotism and future leaders of america , whether or whether not the student doesn't like the course his or her failure is completely dependent upon whether he or she is willing to learn and change for the better.


What can a cadet take for NJROTC after High School?


First and foremost, if a cadet attends any Junior ROTC program for 3 or more years he or she can enlist into the armed services an E-2 that participate in this promotion. You would have to check in with a recruiter of that branch to make sure of the current status. You will also be better prepared for a military career and education, for example an ROTC scholarship or attending the naval academy. You will have superior knowledge of the History of the navy and exceed that of your incumbents. Also upon graduation you would view the world as a big obstacle that you can and will accomplish, as learned in Naval Science class.


What does the NJROTC program do?


  • Promotes Patriotism

  • Developes informed and responsibe citizens

  • Developes respect for constructed authority

  • Developes a high degree of personal honor, integrity, self-reliance, individual discipline and leadership

  • Promotes an understanding of the basic elements and the need for national security

  • provides information on the military services as a possible career

  • Promotes Community Service

  • Developes leadership potential

  • Provides an alternative to gangs

  • Promotes high school completion

  • Provides incentive to live healthy and drug free


What subjects are included in the curriculum?


  • CITIZENSHIP -- Instill values and responsibilities of good citizenship.

  • NAVAL ORIENTATION -- A basic introduction to the Navy -- its customs, traditions, and way of life.

  • NAVAL OPERATIONS/ORGANIZATION -- Familiarizes the student with national strategy and naval forces, daily military operations, training, exercises, drills, and shipboard organization.

  • NAVAL HISTORY -- History of the United States Navy from the colonial period to the present.

  • NAVIGATION -- An introduction to piloting and celestial navigation.

  • SEAMANSHIP -- An introduction to the general subjects of seamanship that include anchoring and mooring, ship handling, small boats, weather, ship construction, and steering and propulsion systems.

  • LEADERSHIP -- An ongoing study of the principles and practical application of leadership with emphasis on providing opportunities for students to exercise and develop their own leadership abilities.

  • NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY -- A study of astronomy and its application to celestial navigation.

  • ELECTRONICS -- An introduction to electronics as the basis for shipboard radar, sonar, communications, and guidance systems.

  • OCEANOGRAPHY -- Provides information on the collection and dissemination of hydrographic and navigational data of the world's ocean systems.

  • DRILLS, COMMANDS, AND CEREMONIES -- Includes individual, squad, platoon, and company close order drill; rotation of command; physical fitness; personnel inspections; and parade in company review.

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